Our Services

Services we provide include


Field Solar Panels

We have developed our own construction system for solar farms


Carport Solar Systems

Beside collecting Energy, storing Energy is the real challenge


Water Solar Systems

We can use water surfaces to generate energy

About Us

20 Years of Experience in Solar Panels Services

The people behind SCP are experienced in the solar industry. One of the shareholders is Dutch Solar Tech. DST has an impressive track record in building rooftop solar installations for a.o. GroenLeven and SunRock. SCP and DST share resources most importantly staff. Further shareholders of SCP are ex-employees and shareholders of Rooftop Energy (now part of Groendus).

Solar Construction Partner is a relatively young company. However, in our view you can take comfort from the people behind SCP. SCP is a new company formed and operated by a team that is (highly) seasoned in the solar industry. 

  • Ground Mounting System
  • Batteries
  • Mechanical and Electrical installation

The Future of Solar Energy

+316 8499 0200
Contact us

Our team is seasoned in the solar industry

Why Choose Us

People Choose Us


Long Lasting

We understand the importance of quality and aim to build long lasting relationships.



Quality, safety and ESG are our primary concerns. Long term interests are not served by quick fixes at rock-bottom prices.



Our conditions are competitive and (ever more importantly) hassle-free. Safety is not compromised by SCP.